Recent News

The City of Cedarville is currently taking sealed bids on four vehicles. Please mail bids to city hall, bring to office (remember we are part time) or place them in the white drop off box by the front door. We will be accepting bids until July 12th 2024. Please keep each vehicle on a septerate bids.

Dodge Charger 2011 (police)

Dodge Charger 2009 (police)

Dodge Charger 2008 (police)

Dodge Durango 2003 (fire)

Please remember to ensure emergency services can find your home. We have a lot of homes without a 911 address posted. Our citizens may need emergency services and they need to be able to find your home.

Ordinance: 2017-12-19-2

The City of Cedarville staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.



If you burn trees, brush or limbs in a control burn, please call this number to let them know. This will ensure your fire department will not be called out to the burn area, UNLESS you have an emergency fire.


Thank you very much

City of Cedarville Street Dept is hiring a P/T laborer

Job applications are being accepted for a city street department laborer. Please only apply if you are serious about working for our city for an extended amount of time. The job requires: street labor, raking, sweeping, shoveling, mowing, weed eating, cleaning, using chainsaws and directing traffic, along with other job related duties. Having knowledge of heavy equipment operations is a plus. Appy at City Hall on Mondays and Tuesdays or leave a message on the city hall number for us to get back with you.

Thank you , 

City Hall phone: 479-410-3400


Ordinance: 2017-12-19-2


Citizens of Cedarville, please remember to have a posted 911 address on or close to your home so that emergency vehicles are able to easily identify your home. We have been on some emergency calls that were delayed due to emergency personnel not being able to identify the property with the emergency call. This is residential and commercial properties as stated in our City Ordinance, 2017-12-19-2

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Cedarville Dumpster Days


Cedarville Clean UP

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