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Please remember to ensure emergancy services can find your home. We have a lot of homes without a 911 address posted. Our citizens may need emergancy services and they need to be able to find your home.

Ordinance: 2017-12-19-2


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If you burn trees, brush or limbs in a control burn, please call this number to let them know. This will ensure your fire department will not be called out to the burn area, UNLESS you have an emergancy fire.


Thank you very much

Cedarville Dumpster Days


We have set a few days through the end of the 2024 year for dumpster services for our community. We will post reminders in vairous places a week before the dumpster is placed that will give do's and don't for the dumping services. I will let you know the major things for do not dispose..... tires, refrigerants, oils and paints. Here is a list of dates to help you plan for a clean up.

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Ordinance: 2017-12-19-2


Citizens of Cedarville, please remember to have a posted 911 address on or close to your home so that emergancy vehicles are able to easily identify your home. We have been on some emergancy calls that were delayed due to emergancy personnel not being able to identify the property with the emergancy call. This is residential and commercial properties as stated in our City Ordinance, 2017-12-19-2

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