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Please call 479-474-8000 to report if you burn any limbs, trees or brush, in a controlled burn. This will ensure our fire department will not be called out to your burn area, UNLESS you call for an emergency.

Thank you very much.

City of Cedarville is taking Applications for P/T Laborer

Job Applications will be accepted for the position of street dept laborer. This post will be an indefinate post due to the turn around on this job. Please only apply if you are serious about working for the city. The job will require, street labor, raking, shoveling, mowing, cleaning, using chainsaws, weedeating, directing traffic, and other street job realted work. Having knowledge of any large equipment operations is beneficial. Apply at City Hall on Mondays or Tuesdays or call and leave a message with your number.

Asking for Estimates: Tree Removal

We are asking for estimates of tree removal on Lucian Wood Rd in Cedarville. Please call City Hall or drive down Lucian Wood to look at marked trees. We do have someone cutting them up for firewood. We need someone to knock down trees and pull up trunk. There are 13 to 15 trees. Please send estimate via email, or put in white box outside of City Hall if no one is at the office. I can meet you if you need to talk about the needs. We will need this by Friday the 24th please. 

City Hall number: 479-410-3400

Mayor Cell: 479-883-6271
